Vanguard Inks & Coatings offers a full line of liquid dispensing systems from software only solutions to our fully automated systems. The primary focus is to help printers gain a significant edge in today’s competitive marketplace by reducing the cost per batch and turnaround time. Dispensers help to improve plant efficiency by eliminating tasks associated with color reformulations and corrections. Labor is better utilized due to less downtime which turns into increased savings. Our dispensers ensure quality by using high precision scales and dispense valves to produce consistent batch to batch repeatability and tracks job costs and raw materials for every batch dispensed. Lastly, our dispenser help reduce expensive waste by making only what is needed for each job and working off excess inventory.
Batch to batch repeatability.
Reduce cost per batch.
Reliable work-off program.
Make only what is needed.
Inventory management.
Reduce turnaround time.